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Out to set audio file in AudioConfig function from Azure cognitive services

I would like to load an audio wav file in My Xamarin forms project.

The audio file is in SpeechApp=>Data=>audio.wav

I am using the Azure AudioConfig function like this:

var taskCompleteionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<int>();
            var config = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription("xxx", "xx");

       var transcriptionStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

      // Replace the language with your language in BCP-47 format, e.g., en-US.
      var language = "fr-FR";
      config.SpeechRecognitionLanguage = language;
      config.OutputFormat = OutputFormat.Detailed;

using (var audioInput = AudioConfig.FromWavFileInput("SpeechApp.Data.audio.wav"))
            using (var recognizer = new SpeechRecognizer(config, audioInput))

                // Stops recognition.  
                await recognizer.StopContinuousRecognitionAsync();

But It is not working and I have this error : System.DllNotFoundException: Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech.core.dll

My error comes from this lines : var config = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription()

I was inspired from this web site : click here

Thanks for your help

Could you please try something like below:

using (var audioInput = AudioConfig.FromWavFileInput(@"SpeechApp.Data.audio.wav"))
                using (var recognizer = new SpeechRecognizer(config, audioInput))


You can refer this link for more samples in different languages.

Hope it helps.

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