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How to fix that when variable is compared it becomes undefined in JavaScript?

I'm creating a small game as a test for my JavaScript skills. For some reason I cannot figure out, when I compare the variable iron and the variable drill , drill becomes undefined, and listed as NaN in my webpage.

I'm using Javascript and HTML on repl.it. I feel it may be an issue with my If statements, but I'm not sure how to fix them if that is the source of the issue. Also, the variables iron and drill are set to 0 default.

  if (iron < drillPrice) {
    alert("Not enough iron");
  if (iron >= drillPrice) {
    drill = drill + 1;
    tempDrills = drill
    iron = iron - drillPrice;
    document.getElementById('drillsOwned').innerHTML = drill;
    iron = Math.round(iron * 10) / 10;
    document.getElementById('ironOwned').innerHTML = iron;
    drillPrice = Math.floor(100 * Math.pow(1.1, drill));
    document.getElementById("drillPrice").innerHTML = drillPrice;

The full repl is here: https://repl.it/@Munix/factory

The output expected if the variable iron is higher then the variable drillPrice , it should make drill one higher, in this case making drill equal 1 . What actually happens is drill becomes undefined . If the variable iron is lower than drillPrice , it should display the test Not enough iron , and not touch the variable drill . What actually happens is it displays the test Not enough iron , but sets drill to undefined .

The issue is this part of the code:

function randomEvent() {
  var event = Math.random();
  event = Math.round(event * 10);
  if (event <= 9) {
    document.getElementById("event").innerHTML = "No event today!";
    drill = tempDrills
  if (event == 10) {
    var eventFlavor = 'You have iron deficiency! 1/2 iron from drills for the rest of the day!';
    document.getElementById("event").innerHTML = eventFlavor;
    var tempDrills = drill;
    drill = drill / 2;

What we see here, is an example of how variables are created in javascript: var tempDrills = drill; The declaration of the variable is hoisted to the top of the function, so it basically looks like this:

function randomEvent() {
  var event = Math.random();
  var tempDrills;

So the variable gets hoisted and will not be set to the value of drill , unless you are lucky enough to roll the 1 in 10 on startup. So tempDrills is a local variable with the value undefined in the other 9 cases, explaining the behaviour once you set drill back to tempDrills .

The solution is silmply to remove the var keyword, so you use the global variable instead. Then it works as expected for me.

I have figured out my own question, thanks to @Shilly's comment.

I had a drill = tempDrills at the incorrect time, causing it the variable drill to become undefined . By removing this, I managed to get the code to work.

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