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Maven Dependencies for Java Packages

I have a Java project with a standard Maven hierarchy:

├── main
│   ├── java
│   │   └──com
│   │      └──foo
│   │         ├──bar
│   │         │  └──baz
│   │         └──qux
│   └── resources
└── test

How can I get a list of the dependencies used by the package com.foo.bar.baz ?

I was able to get this done using jdeps . The usage is pretty simple:

jdeps <options> <classes...>

Where <classes> can be a pathname to a .class file, a directory, a JAR file, or a fully-qualified class name.

Some of the options I found helpful in my case:

  • -verbose:class : Print class-level dependencies excluding dependencies within the same package by default.
  • -classpath <path> :Specify where to find class files.
  • -package <pkgname> : Finds dependences matching the given package name (may be given multiple times)
  • -regex <regex> : Finds dependences matching the given pattern
  • -filter <regex> : Filter dependences matching the given pattern. If given multiple times, the last one will be used.
  • -filter:package : Filter dependences within the same package (default)
  • -filter:archive : Filter dependences within the same archive
  • -filter:none : No -filter:package and -filter:archive filtering. Filtering specified via the -filter option still applies.
  • -include <regex> : Restrict analysis to classes matching pattern. This option filters the list of classes to be analyzed.
  • -recursive : Recursively traverse all dependencies.

Sample Usage for package com.abc.xyz.ui :

jdeps.exe -filter:archive -classpath <project_classpath> com\abc\xyz\ui\

Where <project_classpath> is the classpath of the project.


com.abc.xyz.ui (ui)
   -> com.itextpdf.text                                  itextpdf-5.5.12.jar
   -> org.apache.commons.io                              commons-io-2.6.jar
   -> org.apache.commons.lang3.time                      commons-lang3-3.8.1.jar
   -> org.apache.commons.text                            commons-text-1.6.jar
   -> org.controlsfx.control                             controlsfx-8.40.15.jar
   -> java.io
   -> java.lang
   -> java.net
   -> java.util

I used -filter ^java\\..* option to exclude Java Runtime classes:

jdeps.exe -filter:archive -filter ^java\..* -classpath <project_classpath> com\abc\xyz\ui\


com.abc.xyz.ui (ui)
   -> com.itextpdf.text                                  itextpdf-5.5.12.jar
   -> org.apache.commons.io                              commons-io-2.6.jar
   -> org.apache.commons.lang3.time                      commons-lang3-3.8.1.jar
   -> org.apache.commons.text                            commons-text-1.6.jar
   -> org.controlsfx.control                             controlsfx-8.40.15.jar

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