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Spring Boot war deployment with Angular app as static resource

I have a Spring Boot backend and an Angular frontend application and can successfully create a runnable jar file from them by simply copying the Angular app into the resources/static folder of the Spring Boot app.

Running the jar works fine, i can access the application on localhost:8000 (since i have the server.port property set to 8000 ) and it works as intended.

Now i would like to create a deployable war file instead of the runnable jar and deploy the app in Tomcat, so i've applied the war plugin and declared the following gradle dependency (as per this guide ):

providedRuntime 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-tomcat'

Now the build successfully generates a war file, and Tomcat can deploy and start it without any errors. After the deployment the app is available at localhost:8080/myapp

The problem is when i'm actually opening the app, it seemingly tries to fetch the Angular resources from the wrong location and thus resulting in 404 errors:


As you can see it it tries to fetch the Angular files from localhost:8080/filename , but i think it should be localhost:8080/myapp/filename (although i'm not sure).

I've tried changing the server.servlet.context-path property to /myapp , but it has no effect (i guess it would affect only the embedded container).

I'd really appreciate any advice on how to solve this problem.

I've managed to fix it.

First, i had to change the base href of the Angular app in its index.html from / to ./ as in:

<base href="./">

After this change the Angular resources did not throw 404 errors anymore, but the backend endpoints still did.

I had the following in my environments.prod.ts :

export const environment = {
  production: true,
  API_URL: '/api'

I'm calling my backend endpoints through this API_URL , so i had to change this as well in a similar manner:

API_URL: './api'

After these changes everything works fine.

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