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This AMD module is not loading in Chrome but it does in Firefox, Safari and IE11, why?

This code doesn't work in Chrome but it does in Firefox, Safari and IE11 (where IE11 is the target browser).

It's a lit-element Web Component inside another Polymer 2.x, all transformed into ES5 and AMD modules, and polyfills to make it work in IE11. And sadly, with polyfills for modern browsers as well so that ES5 transformed Web Components worked there too. Life!

This is what you see in Chrome


This is what you see in all other browsers


As you can see Chrome is not resolving the button component correctly. It doesn't respect the relative path for it.

The code is this (you won't find it in the repo as it's compiled):


at /web/bower_components/simple-wc/simple-wc.html

Note: Please avoid comments recommending me to stop using HTML Imports, Polymer 2.x and Bower, I totally know 😞 This POC is precisely a first step out of there...


It was a polyfills issue!

Using the correct polyfills file for Web Components solved the issue: webcomponents-loader.js instead of webcomponents-lite.js

Docs for that polyfill, which is NOT the last version which drop HTML Imports, can be found here: https://github.com/webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/tree/v1

Updated on the repo at this commit: https://github.com/jdvivar/lit-in-polymer2-poc/commit/b5d3c8a4ad6986788b62d576e2568674a4ab2dc6

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