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Can't access function after name changed in node.js

There is a function in one of my files in project which I changed it's name and can't access it with new name! still the old name is available to call

I tried deleting node_modules and install it again using npm i

there is the code to both files I'm using:



function call(username, password){

module.exports = call


function checkUser(username, password){

module.exports = checkUser

how I imported and used:


const soap = require('../../models/soapCall');
soap.checkUser(username, password);

it's weired that still I can't access the new function name

I was using name call before that and STILL can use call function in my app.js file

call is already available as a method on the function prototype - Function.prototype.call . This means soap is a function, which is why call works, but checkUser doesn't.

soap is a function because you're exporting a function from your file, and simply renaming it in your main file. If you want to change the name, either change the import name:

const checkUser = require("../../models/soapCall");

Or export an object and use it as such:

module.exports = { checkUser };
// Main file
const soap = require("../../models/soapCall");

The object method will also allow you to export multiple functions from the one file - you can get these into their own variables with destructuring:

module.exports = { checkUser, otherFunc };
// Main file
const { checkUser, otherFunc } = require("../../models/soapCall");
checkUser(...); // Calls checkUser function
otherFunc(...); // Calls otherFunc function

You are exporting a function not an Object, so you need to directly call soap() .

And about being able to run call , it's part of function prototype. So you got confused with Function.prototype.call()

Use it like this, as per the comment by @Wiktor Zychla


exports.checkUser(username, password){



const soap = require('../../models/soapCall');
soap.checkUser(username, password);

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