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Visual Studio 2019 does not pull required Docker images at project open

I am under the impression that Visual Studio should pull all the required Docker images at project startup; hence, I expect it download and start SQL Server and RabbitMQ images since they are defined in my docker compose:

version: '3.4'


    image: microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-latest

    image: rabbitmq:3-management-alpine

    image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}projectname
      context: .
      dockerfile: ProjectName/Dockerfile
      - sql.data
      - rabbitmq

I see the following in Container Tools window when visual studio opens my project:

========== Checking for Container Prerequisites ==========
Verifying that Docker Desktop is installed...
Docker Desktop is installed.
========== Verifying that Docker Desktop is running... ==========
Verifying that Docker Desktop is running...
Docker Desktop is running.
========== Verifying Docker OS ==========
Verifying that Docker Desktop's operating system mode matches the project's target operating system...
Docker Desktop's operating system mode matches the project's target operating system.
========== Pulling Required Images ==========
Checking for missing Docker images...
Docker images are ready.
========== Warming up container(s) for DataCollector ==========
Starting up container(s)...
docker run -dt -v ...
Container started successfully.
========== Finished ==========

When I run docker ps -a in PowerShell, I see:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND               CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                           NAMES
a24958fbc70f        projectname:dev   "tail -f /dev/null"   13 minutes ago      Up 13 minutes>80/tcp,>443/tcp   intelligent_babbage

So obviously it has not pulled (and started) the RabbitMQ and SQL Server containers.

I checked the settings at Tools > Options > Container Tools and Pull required Docker images on project open is set to True .

I am puzzled why the containers are not pulled then.


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