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Why is python azure function failing to run locally?

I'm trying to run a python azure function locally using VSCode but it keeps shutting itself down almost immediately.

I have created the simplest example function following the tutorial but I believe I have some configuration wrong on my machine.

Almost immediately after starting the function I see the following

[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] Found the following functions:
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] Host.Functions.HttpTriggerTest
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM]
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] Host initialized (573ms)
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] Host started (590ms)
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] Job host started
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] python: can't open file 'C:\Users\First': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] python: can't open file 'C:\Users\First': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] Starting language worker process:python  C:\Users\First Last\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2019.3.6558\pythonFiles\ptvsd_launcher.py --default --host --port 9091 --wait "C:\Users\First
Last\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\azure-functions-core-tools\bin\workers\python\worker.py" --host --port 64975 --workerId e9dc059f-128f-4e11-8363-797b4f1eeb1b --requestId c857107a-6b99-4d5a-9b71-d27827bfcad3 --grpcMaxMessageLength 134217728
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] python process with Id=20920 started
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: C:\file_location\Dev\PythonDev\MyAzureFunctions
Now listening on:
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

Http Functions:

        HttpTriggerTest: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/HttpTriggerTest

[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] python: can't open file 'C:\Users\First': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] Exceeded language worker restart retry count for runtime:python. Shutting down Functions Host
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] Stopping host...
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] Stopping JobHost
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] Job host stopped
[9/1/2019 4:52:07 PM] Host shutdown completed.
Application is shutting down...

Note: the error messages call out that the file C:\\Users\\First can't be opened because it does not exist. It is true that it does not exist. What does exist is a folder called "C:\\Users\\First Last". Perhaps the space in my windows User Name is causing an issue?

This was a problem earlie with older versions of python .

Make sure you run the teminals or vscode as administrator while doing the below

  1. What version of python are you using ?

    If you are using anything less than 3.6.8 you will have to uninstall the old version and download the latest one from here

  2. What version of azure-functions-core-tools are you using ?

    Even after installing latest version of python,if your problem is'nt solved -> Try uninstalling this as well, and then reboot your machine - > then do npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools

  3. Even if that did'nt work, temporarily disable Windows Defender real-time scans .

Actually it's because you put directory in single quote '' , you need to put them in double quotes "" . ie "C:\\Program Files\\Python 3.4\\python.exe"

If this is not the key problem, please share some your code causing the problem.

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