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Trying to send a message to Multiple Discord channels

I have made a Discord bot with Discord.js and MongoDB for my discord servers.

So in my MongoDB, I have the variable for a channel ID, which is a different channel in each of my 3 discords. With the code below, when I run the command, the message only get sent to the first discord channel in the database. Any idea's on what i'm doing wrong?

const Discord = require("discord.js");

module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args, settings, guild, channels) => {
   if (message.channel.id === '123456789') {
    bot.guilds.forEach(guild => {
   const sayMessage = args.join(" ");

let sicon = message.guild.iconURL;
let serverembed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setFooter("from SpikyZA", sicon)
.addField("Message", `${sayMessage}`);

//let testchannel = guild.channels.find(c => c.id === `${settings.notify}`);

module.exports.help = {
  aliases: ["test"]

if you're looking for a simple way to do it, try looping through the amount of items in the database, like this:

for(n = 0; n <= channelDB.length; n++){
  let ch = bot.channels.get(channelDB.channels[n].id);

or whatever similar code works with MongoDB 🤷‍♂️

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