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Calculation between pandas dataframe returns NaN

I have a pandas dataframe called df_mod . One variable of interest in this dataframe is called Evap_mod . When I use the command print(df_mod['Evap_mod']) , it returns:

2003-12-20 00:30:00    1.930664
2003-12-21 00:30:00    1.789290
2003-12-22 00:30:00    2.318347
2003-12-23 00:30:00    1.741943
2003-12-24 00:30:00    1.686124
2003-12-25 00:30:00    1.852876
2003-12-26 00:30:00    1.759650
2003-12-27 00:30:00    1.566521
2003-12-28 00:30:00    1.496039
2003-12-29 00:30:00    1.540751
2003-12-30 00:30:00    2.006475
2003-12-31 00:30:00    1.920912
Name: Evap_mod, Length: 729, dtype: float32

I have another pandas dataframe called dff . One variable of interest in this dataframe is called PET_PT . When I use the command print(dff['PET_PT']) , it returns:

2003-12-20    4.810697
2003-12-21    4.739378
2003-12-22    4.994467
2003-12-23    5.138086
2003-12-24    5.024226
2003-12-25    4.937206
2003-12-26    4.551416
2003-12-27         NaN
2003-12-28         NaN
2003-12-29         NaN
2003-12-30         NaN
2003-12-31         NaN
Freq: D, Name: PET_PT, Length: 729, dtype: float64

I would like to run the simple following calculation between those 2 variables:


Unfortunately, this calculation just returns NaN:

2003-12-20 00:30:00   NaN
2003-12-21 00:30:00   NaN
2003-12-22 00:30:00   NaN
2003-12-23 00:30:00   NaN
2003-12-24 00:30:00   NaN
2003-12-25 00:30:00   NaN
2003-12-26 00:30:00   NaN
2003-12-27 00:30:00   NaN
2003-12-28 00:30:00   NaN
2003-12-29 00:30:00   NaN
2003-12-30 00:30:00   NaN
2003-12-31 00:30:00   NaN
Name: ER_mod, Length: 729, dtype: float64

Does anyone has an idea why it returns NaN and how to overcome this issue?

Reason is different index values, so after divide index values not matched and created NaN s.

Solution is map Series ddf['PET_PT'] by helper column date created by DatetimeIndex.normalize for remove times and also use pandas mean s functions:

#same index values like df_mod
new = df_mod.assign(date = df_mod.index.normalize())['date'].map(ddf['PET_PT'])
print (new)
2003-12-20 00:30:00    4.810697
2003-12-21 00:30:00    4.739378
2003-12-22 00:30:00    4.994467
2003-12-23 00:30:00    5.138086
2003-12-24 00:30:00    5.024226
2003-12-25 00:30:00    4.937206
2003-12-26 00:30:00    4.551416
2003-12-27 00:30:00         NaN
2003-12-28 00:30:00         NaN
2003-12-29 00:30:00         NaN
2003-12-30 00:30:00         NaN
2003-12-31 00:30:00         NaN
Name: date, dtype: float64

df_mod['ER_mod']= df_mod['Evap_mod'] + ddf['PET_PT'].mean())/(new+ddf['PET_PT'].mean()
print (df_mod)
                     Evap_mod    ER_mod
2003-12-20 00:30:00  1.930664  0.702960
2003-12-21 00:30:00  1.789290  0.693480
2003-12-22 00:30:00  2.318347  0.729125
2003-12-23 00:30:00  1.741943  0.661170
2003-12-24 00:30:00  1.686124  0.663134
2003-12-25 00:30:00  1.852876  0.685986
2003-12-26 00:30:00  1.759650  0.704152
2003-12-27 00:30:00  1.566521       NaN
2003-12-28 00:30:00  1.496039       NaN
2003-12-29 00:30:00  1.540751       NaN
2003-12-30 00:30:00  2.006475       NaN
2003-12-31 00:30:00  1.920912       NaN

If same length DataFrame and only difference in inde values are times, you can reassign one index to another:

ddf.index = df_mod.index

df_mod['ER_mod'] = (df_mod['Evap_mod'] + ddf['PET_PT'].mean())/\
                   (ddf['PET_PT'] + ddf['PET_PT'].mean())
print (df_mod)
                     Evap_mod    ER_mod
2003-12-20 00:30:00  1.930664  0.702960
2003-12-21 00:30:00  1.789290  0.693480
2003-12-22 00:30:00  2.318347  0.729125
2003-12-23 00:30:00  1.741943  0.661170
2003-12-24 00:30:00  1.686124  0.663134
2003-12-25 00:30:00  1.852876  0.685986
2003-12-26 00:30:00  1.759650  0.704152
2003-12-27 00:30:00  1.566521       NaN
2003-12-28 00:30:00  1.496039       NaN
2003-12-29 00:30:00  1.540751       NaN
2003-12-30 00:30:00  2.006475       NaN
2003-12-31 00:30:00  1.920912       NaN


Here there is a difference between pandas and numpy behaviour. Whenever you compute np.mean(x) if x contains NaN you are going to have NaN as a result while working with pandas NaN are ignored. The following should work

df_mod['ER_mod'] = (df_mod['Evap_mod'] + ddf['PET_PT'].mean())/\
                   (ddf['PET_PT'] + ddf['PET_PT'].mean())

Otherwise you can use np.nanmean instead of np.mean .

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