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Traefik and Minecraft

i'm trying to set up a Minecraft server in a VPS managed with traefik. After I start the docker container and I tried to reach the server via weburl it fails for timeout. If I use the server IP address is's working. I think that the problem is that if I try to reach the default server port in Minecraft (25565) via domain the port is not redirected correctly to the container. Also, I got to mention that my domain is under Cloudflare, but I don't think that is the problem because I've tried to bypass it turning on the development mode whit no positive results. I've added a custom entry point as so

 defaultEntryPoints = ["https","http","mc"]
   address = ":25565"

then in the labels of my docker-compose I've used these settings:

# map host port
    - 25565:25565 

  - traefik_proxy 
  - default
     - "traefik.docker.network=traefik_proxy"
     - "traefik.enable=true"
     - "traefik.basic.frontend.rule=Host:mc.myserver.net"
     - "traefik.basic.port=25565"
     - "traefik.frontend.entryPoints=mc"

But it still fails.

what am I doing wrong?

Ok, after some research the problem should be that at the moment traefik doesn't handle all the tcp traffic but only the http related one ( https://github.com/containous/traefik/issues/10 ). From what i understand it will be supported in the V2 I've managed to make it work just altering the cloudflare setting adding a SRV records as follow Name - _minecraft Value - SRV 1 1 25565

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