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Maven skips JUnit/Spock failed tests run with TestNG

I've a spock test that fails to compile - one of the class fields is attempted to be created by invoking a non-existing constructor.

When maven-surefire-plugin tries to run this test on the CI server (jenkins) it results in an exception:

09:54:59  Failure in JUnit mode for class com.whatever.SomeSpec
Caused by: org.spockframework.util.InternalSpockError: Failed to instantiate spec
Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Caused by: groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Could not find matching constructor for: (...)

Instead of failing the whole build this exception is skipped and build continues. How can I fail the build in such a situation?

pom.xml conf:


TestNG is not supported by Spock 1.x, only JUnit4. Spock 2.x will require the JUnit Platform.

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