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How to use external PHP file in laravel blade.php file?

I want to include external PHP file ( pdate.php ) in Laravel and use it in blade.php file. How can I do it?

The PHP file imported in app\\date\\pdate.php folder and by using app_path() function in controller I try to send it in blade.php but there is error.

public function index(){
  include_once(app_path() . '/date/pdate.php');
  return view('/cashWithdraw/create');

When I use one variable of that file in blade.php I will get this error.

Undefined variable: today (View: E:\\laravelProject\\deal\\resources\\views\\cashWithdraw\\create.blade.php)

In composer.json file you just add needed files in “autoload” section – in a new entry called files :

 "autoload": {
    "classmap": [
    "psr-4": {
        "App\\": "app/"
    "files": [

after that run this command composer dump-autoload now you can use any function in this file globally

This can easily be done using the blade @include() helper. If you save your file as a pdate.blade.php file, for example in resources/views/date , then you can include it as follows:

Inside of cashWithdraw/create.blade.php :


The only catch is that the variables available in pdate.blade.php need to be defined, but that can be done in a number of ways:

Directly in pdate.blade.php :

@php $today = \Carbon\Carbon::now(); @endphp

In the controller that returns create.blade.php :

public function index(){
  $today = \Carbon\Carbon::now();
  return view('cashWithdraw.create')->with(["today" => $today]);

In the @includes within create.blade.php :

@include("date/pdate", ["today" => \Carbon\Carbon::now()])

You aren't passing any variables into your view. You will need to pass any variables generated by pdate into the view.

public function index(){
    include_once(app_path() . '/date/pdate.php');

    return view('/cashWithdraw/create', [
        'today' => $today

The only variables that will be available in your blade are the ones you pass in there.

If your file is a class, you can inject it into a view by using service injection as follows:

@inject('pdata', 'app\date\pdate')

then invoke any method. Assuming your class has one like getMyDate:

<div class="anything">
   {{ $pdata->getMyDate() }}

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