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C# Form Move Stopped Event

Is there any event in C# that fires when the form STOPS being moved. Not while its moving.

If there is no event for it, is there a way of doing it with WndProc?

The ResizeEnd event fires after a move ends. Perhaps you could use that.

This is not a failsafe solution, but it's pure .NET and it's dead simple. Add a timer to your form, set it to a relatively short delay (100-150 ms seemed OK for me). Add the following code for the Form.LocationChanged and Timer.Tick events:

private void Form_LocationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (this.Text != "Moving")
        this.Text = "Moving";

private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.Text = "Stopped";

If you want more exact handling (knowing exactly when the mouse button is release in the title bar and such) you will probably need to dive into monitoring windows messages.


I had the same problem with a user control, but it does not have the ResizeEnd event. The solution, which worked is to override the WndProc method and listen for EXITSIZEMOVE.

See example here

Just set a flag to true when onmove events are fired. If a mouseup event happens and the flag is true, the form stopped being moved.

I admit this probably won't work in the case of a user moving a form via the keyboard, but that's pretty rare.

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