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How to expand a dynamic submenu

I created a dynamic submenu. When I click on this dynamic submenu, I create with DAO another dynamic submenu inside, but this new submenu does not appear and expand automatically. It only appears if I refresh the page. What to do for the children's submenu to appear automatically ?

I trie expanded true, callback bean, faces.update(clientID) without success

My xhtml file with callback bean with bind variable classJS

            $(document).ready(function() { 
                $(".classJS").bind("click", function(e) {
                    var parent = document.getElementById(this.id).parentElement;
                    parent = parent.innerHTML;
                    var str = $(this).text()
                    var startPosition = parent.indexOf(str);
                    parent = parent.substring(startPosition-20);
                    parent = parent.split("-");
                    onCallBack( [ { name: 'Id', value: parent[1] } , { name: 'ClientId', value: this.id } ] );

            <h:form id="formID">
                <p:remoteCommand actionListener="#{structureOrganiqueBean.onCallBackFromJS}" name="onCallBack" style="display:none"></p:remoteCommand>
                <p:panelMenu  id="panelMenuId" model="#{structureOrganiqueBean.menuModel}" style="width:300px" ></p:panelMenu>

Mybean : 

            public void onCallBackFromJS() {
                FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                Map<String, String> requestParamMap = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
                String id = requestParamMap.get("Id");
                DefaultSubMenu submenParent = (DefaultSubMenu)findComponent(id);
                addSubMenuChildrenTo( submenParent);

    public void addSubMenuChildrenTo(DefaultSubMenu parentmenuElement) {
        Long idTechnique = getIDTechnique(parentmenuElement)
        List<EntityStructureOrganique> entitesChildren = getFacade().getChildrenById(idTechnique);
        for (EntityStructureOrganique entiteChild : entitesChildren) {
            DefaultSubMenu childSubmenuitem = getDefaultSubMenu(entiteChild);


addSubMenuChildrenTo is back-called when i click on submenu item parentmenuElement. addSubMenuChildrenTo add new submeno to parentmenuElement. I want parentmenuElement to expand with its new submenus

When page is loaded, a root menu is set and i would want to add dynamic submenu under. And When I click on this dynamic submenu, I create with DAO another dynamic submenu inside, but this new submenu does not appear and expand automatically. It only appears if I refresh the page. What to do for the children's submenu to appear automatically ?

My xhtml file

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
            <script type="text/javascript">
                $(document).ready(function() { 
                        onCallBack( [ { name: 'ClientId', value: this.id } ] );

            <h:form id="formID" name="formID">
                <p:remoteCommand update="panelMenuId" action="#{structureOrganiqueBean.onCallBackFromJS}" name="onCallBack" style="display:none"></p:remoteCommand>
                <p:panelMenu styleClass="maClassJS" id="panelMenuId" model="#{structureOrganiqueBean.menuModel}" style="width:300px" ></p:panelMenu>

My bean file

 * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package com.sdzee.exemple;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

import org.primefaces.model.menu.DefaultMenuModel;
import org.primefaces.model.menu.DefaultSubMenu;
import org.primefaces.model.menu.MenuElement;
import org.primefaces.model.menu.MenuModel;

 * @author 
public class StructureOrganiqueBean implements Serializable{
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private MenuModel menuModel ;
    private Map<String, MenuElement> mapArborescence;
    private DefaultSubMenu subMenu; 

    public DefaultSubMenu getSubMenu() {
        return subMenu;
    public void setSubMenu(DefaultSubMenu subMenu) {
        this.subMenu = subMenu;
    public Map<String, MenuElement> getMapArborescence() {
        return mapArborescence;
    public void setMapArborescence(Map<String, MenuElement> mapArborescence) {
        this.mapArborescence = mapArborescence;

    public void init() {
        setMapArborescence(new HashMap<>());
        setMenuModel(new DefaultMenuModel());

        setSubMenu(new DefaultSubMenu());
        getSubMenu().setLabel("Home test dynamic SN");

        DefaultSubMenu submenuitem0 = new DefaultSubMenu();
        submenuitem0.setId("0_0"); //I arbitrarily put 0_0 to match with client side ID. No problem here
        getMapArborescence().put(submenuitem0.getId(), submenuitem0);


    public MenuModel getMenuModel() {
        return menuModel;

    public void setMenuModel(MenuModel menuModel) {
        this.menuModel = menuModel;

    public void addSubMenuChildrenTo(DefaultSubMenu parentmenuElement) {
        if (parentmenuElement.getElementsCount()==0) {
            String idChild = parentmenuElement.getId()+"_0";
            DefaultSubMenu submenuChild = new DefaultSubMenu();
            getMapArborescence().put(submenuChild.getId(), submenuChild);

    public void onCallBackFromJS() {
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        Map<String, String> requestParamMap = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
        String clientId = requestParamMap.get("ClientId");      
        DefaultSubMenu submenParent = (DefaultSubMenu)findComponent(clientId) ;     
        if(submenParent != null) {

    public MenuElement findComponent(final String id) {
        return getMapArborescence().get(id);


When i click on "Root", first dynamic submenu appears. But when i click on this first dynamic submenu, nothing appends instead or create a new dynamic submenu under him. But if i refresh the page and i click on the last submenu, a new dynamic sudmenu is created and appears. each time i need to refresh the page intead of expand automatically. Why ?

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