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ITMS-90683: Missing Purpose String in Info.plist for NSCameraUsageDescription key

I am using XCode 10.3 now i have completed all the development process and this is my first application in IOs. Now i have completed all the process for upload an application to the app store.

 After I upload an application for review I am getting some error developers team i.e 

 First one is  ITMS-90683: Missing Purpose String in Info.plist - Your app's code references one or more APIs that access sensitive user data. The app's Info.plist file should contain a NSCameraUsageDescription key with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the data. Starting Spring 2019, all apps submitted to the App Store that access user data are required to include a purpose string.

Another one is ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs . See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiwebview for more information

For the UIWEbView i am not using any webviews inside my application and also i have searched in the external libraries also .

Here i am struggling more than 3 hours, let me know how can I achieve this..! thanks in advance 在此处输入图片说明

1.First one is because you must be using Camera services in your application, so you need to specify why you need camera. Go to your Info.plist file and open Info.plist as Source code. Add following code in that file.

    <string>Reason why you want camera permission.</string>

  1. Second error is because you are using UIWebview in your application which is deprecated. You should replace it with WKWebView.

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