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Enumeration on enums with associated values - Swift

I have an enum with associated values. In addition, every value has a String description. How can I get description of all the cases?

enum MyEnum {

    case caseA(data: [DataOfTypeA])
    case caseB(data: [DataOfTypeB])
    case caseC(data: [DataOfTypeC])
    case caseD(data: [DataOfTypeD])

    var typeDescription: String {
        switch self {
        case .caseA:
            return "caseA"
        case .caseB:
            return "caseB"
        case .caseC:
            return "caseC"
        case .caseD:
            return "caseD"

The thing I am looking for is:

"caseA, caseB, caseC, caseD"

You can make your enum conform to CaseIterable , then simply iterate through allCases to create typeDescription .

enum MyEnum: CaseIterable {
    case caseA(data: [Int])
    case caseB(data: [String])
    case caseC(data: [Date])
    case caseD(data: [Data])

    static var allCases: [MyEnum] = [.caseA(data: []), .caseB(data: []), .caseC(data: []), .caseD(data: [])]

    var caseDescription: String {
        switch self {
        case .caseA:
            return "caseA"
        case .caseB:
            return "caseB"
        case .caseC:
            return "caseC"
        case .caseD:
            return "caseD"

    static var typeDescription: String {
        return allCases.map {$0.caseDescription}.joined(separator: ", ")

Imagine you have this variable:

let myEnum = MyEnum.caseA(data: [])

for accessing associated values:

switch myEnum {
case .caseA(let data): print(data)
case .caseB(let data): print(data)
case .caseC(let data): print(data)
case .caseD(let data): print(data)

for accessing typeDescription :


Or for any case without having a variable:

print(MyEnum.caseA(data: []).typeDescription)

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