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To call in jquery using namespace

I am using javascript file and jquery.From my javascript file,I am doing like this:



which is calling one widget written in jquery.

abc.cde are namespaces in jquery widget file.

Can anyone please tell how abc.cde.on is calling jquery method without using $ sign before abc.cde

Because cde is already an instance of a jQuery object. You can perfectly store the result of a jQuery selection (or a jQuery widget instance) in an object to reuse it after, see example:

 var namespace = { obj: $('div'), }; //then you can do: namespace.obj.on('click', function(){ this.style.color = 'red'; }); 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div>CLICK ME</div> 

Because the $ is already used in previous reference... I suspect abc was defined something like this:

var abc = $('#abc')

So the $ is already referenced...

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