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How to use flatMapMerge from kotlin flow?

I have these piece of code and I want it to make it more optimal

I guess I can use kotlin-flow's flatMapMerge but I don't think how should I convert my code to flow

  val quiries = listof("s","b","s","g","d","r","t")
    quiries.map { query ->
      viewModelScope.launch {
        val results = fetchColumns(query)

and fetchColumns() are suspended functions I am thinking maybe I need to have flows of queries ???? what is the way of using flatMapMerge()?


Try using something like this:

    .map { fetchColumns(it) }
    .onEach { resultMutableData.postValue(it) }

Since you don't switch onto another flow, there is no need for any of flatMap* functions, just map will be enough. Moreover, map parameter is already declared as suspend , so you won't block your thread. But map operator was designed to process data sequentially, so these transformations won't be run in parallel. To achieve parallel processing, a workaround using flatMapMerge can be used:

    .onEach { println("onEach: $it") }
    .flatMapMerge {
        flow {
    .onEach { resultMutableData.postValue(it)) }

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