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How can I print multiple nodes with same name under different parent nodes in an XML doc?

I am parsing an XML document that has information under separate nodes with the same name. As of now, when I use the xpath, I'm returning a total count of parent (2) and the node I'm looking for (6), but there is actually 5 under each one. The xml looks similar to this:

    <shelf>shelf 1
      </book >
      </book >
    <shelf>shelf 2
        <location>h7</location >

I am currently using the xpath to read the count of which come in as 6.

xmlNodeList library = doc.SelectNodes(//library);
xmlNodeList shelf= doc.SelectNodes(//library//shelf);
xmlNodeList location = doc.SelectNodes(//library//book//location);

if (library != null)
    for (int I=0; I < shelf.count; I++) //this should be 2
        for (int j=0; j < location.count; j++) //this should be 6
             Console.Writeline(shelf[j].innertext + " " + location[j].innertext);

So the problem is I get

shelf 1 e6
shelf 1 e7
shelf 1 e8
shelf 1 h5
shelf 1 h6
shelf 1 h7
shelf 2 e6
shelf 2 e7
shelf 2 e8
shelf 2 h5
shelf 2 h6
shelf 2 h7

but I want to see something more along the lines of

shelf 1 e6
shelf 1 e7
shelf 1 e8
shelf 2 h5
shelf 2 h6
shelf 2 h7

trying to get the actual XML document for clarity


xmlNodeList shelf= doc.SelectNodes(//library//shelf);

if (library != null)
    for (int I=0; I < shelf.count; I++) //this should be 2
        xmlNodeList location = shelf[I].SelectNodes(//book//location);

        for (int j=0; j < location.count; j++) //this should be however many nodes there are in the shelf
             Console.Writeline(shelf[I].innertext + " " + location[j].innertext);

Using Xml Linq :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        const string FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test.xml";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);

            var results = doc.Descendants("shelf").SelectMany(x => x.Descendants("location").Select(y => (x.FirstNode.ToString()).Trim() + " " + (string)y)).ToList();


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