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How can I Rank a Column of Numbers in a 2D array using only vba code

I have a 2D array of numbers, 5 columns and 5 rows. The 4th column holds the result of calculations on cols 1 to 3 and I want the 5th column to be the RANK of the 4th column. I want to do this in the array only and not use the sheet.

Notice I'm only using the sheet for clarity of working whilst getting it to work.

I want to use only code because it will be working with a large number of calculations, and writing /reading from sheet will be too slow.

Sub RankArray()

Dim arr()
ReDim arr(1 To 5, 1 To 5)

For y = 1 To 5
    For x = 1 To 3
        arr(y, x) = Int((99 * Rnd) + 1)
        Sheet1.Cells(y, x) = arr(y, x)
    Next x
    arr(y, 4) = arr(y, 1) + arr(y, 2) + arr(y, 3)
    Sheet1.Cells(y, 4) = arr(y, 4)
Next y

For y = 1 To 5
    'arr(y, 5) = WorksheetFunction.Rank(arr(y, 4), Range("D1:D5"))    
    arr(y, 5) = WorksheetFunction.Rank(arr(y, 4), Range(arr(1, 4), arr(5, 4)))
    Sheet1.Cells(y, 5) = arr(y, 5)
Next y

End Sub

The program runs until it gets to the 'Rank' line in the second loop - which then gives:-

"Runtime error 1004

"Application-defined or object-defined error"

The commented out line works - but this uses data from the sheet which is not what I want.

So what is the problem? Why won't Rank work in this case?

I'm using Excel 2007.

Range expects two ranges not items in an array. But also Rank does not like arrays it wants a range reference.

First we want a one dimensional array of the 4th column:

    Dim t As Variant
    t = Application.Transpose(Application.Index(arr, 0, 4))

this will create a one dimensional array out of the 4th column

We then use that in SUMPRODUCT

arr(y, 5) = Application.Evaluate("SumProduct(--({" & Join(t, ",") & "} <= " & arr(y, 4) & "))")

I also changed the output to just once to the worksheet to save some time.

Sub RankArray()

    Dim arr()
    ReDim arr(1 To 5, 1 To 5)

    Dim y As Long
    For y = 1 To 5
        Dim x As Long
        For x = 1 To 3
            arr(y, x) = Int((99 * Rnd) + 1)
        Next x
        arr(y, 4) = arr(y, 1) + arr(y, 2) + arr(y, 3)
    Next y

    Dim t As Variant
    t = Application.Transpose(Application.Index(arr, 0, 4))

    For y = 1 To 5
        arr(y, 5) = Application.Evaluate("SumProduct(--({" & Join(t, ",") & "} <= " & arr(y, 4) & "))")
    Next y

    Sheet1.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(arr, 1), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr

End Sub

One note:

This will not work if the array has more than 45-50 rows as Evaluate has a 255 character limit.

If you didn't want to use the WorksheetFunction.Rank function, it would be fairly simple to write your own ranking routine. A reasonably fast routine would look something like below:

Private Sub RankArray(ByRef rArr() As Variant, refIndex As Long, rankIndex As Long)
    Dim i As Long
    Dim uniques As Collection
    Dim vrp As cValueRankPair, unique As cValueRankPair

    Set uniques = New Collection
    For i = LBound(rArr, 1) To UBound(rArr, 1)
        'Check if value already exists.
        Set vrp = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
        Set vrp = uniques(CStr(rArr(i, refIndex))): On Error GoTo 0

        If vrp Is Nothing Then

            'It's a new value, so add it in ascending order.
            For Each unique In uniques
                If rArr(i, refIndex) < unique.Value Then
                    Set vrp = New cValueRankPair
                    vrp.Value = rArr(i, refIndex)
                    uniques.Add vrp, CStr(vrp.Value), Before:=CStr(unique.Value)
                    Exit For
                End If

            'If it wasn't already added, then add it as last item.
            If vrp Is Nothing Then
                Set vrp = New cValueRankPair
                vrp.Value = rArr(i, refIndex)
                uniques.Add vrp, CStr(vrp.Value)
            End If
        End If

        'Increment the count for this value.
        vrp.Count = vrp.Count + 1

    'Set the rank values.
    i = 1
    For Each unique In uniques
        unique.Rank = i
        i = i + unique.Count

    'Populate the array.
    For i = LBound(rArr, 1) To UBound(rArr, 1)
        'We don't really need this check.
        Set vrp = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
        Set vrp = uniques(CStr(rArr(i, refIndex))): On Error GoTo 0

        'Write the rank to array.
        If Not vrp Is Nothing Then
            rArr(i, rankIndex) = vrp.Rank
        End If
End Sub

You'll note that for simplicity I've added a class called cValueRankPair :

Option Explicit

Public Value As Variant
Public Rank As Long
Public Count As Long

You'd just call the routine like so:

RankArray arr, 4, 5

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