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npm install with my code changes in a specific library

I am using the vis.js library to build a timeline but i have an error that i only fix if i made some changes in the library. So, the problem is when i am doing npm install in another computer i get the last version of vis.js and not my version. Is there any way to fix this problem? I need create a library for me and change the package.json or there is other way to do that? I am trying fix this error without change the library but is being hard because i can't have access the variables of the library. When you made some event the variables updated in real time and i don't want that.

Initially if you want to install a specific version of a package and add it to the package.json file you would use npm install <package>@<version> . But you can also remove any symbols from the package version within package.json to use a specific version too and then just run npm i .

"depedencies": {
 "vis-js": "1.0.0"


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