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Comparing two columns of the dataframe against a new dataframe column

I have two dataframes which looks like

   team  points
0     1     2.5
1     2     3.2
2     5     5.8
3     3     2.8
4     4     1.9


   team1  team2
0      1      5
1      2      4
2      3      1

Expected output should give me a new column with the winner (more points):

team1   team2   winner
 1         5       5
 2         4       2
 3         1       3

here is a way using applymap , df.idxmax() and df.lookup :


Or better alternative courtesy @user3483203

#s.tolist() gives ['team2', 'team1', 'team1']

   team1  team2  winner
0      1      5       5
1      2      4       2
2      3      1       3

Trying to avoid applymap and use lookup + reshape

x = df.set_index('team').lookup(df2.values.ravel('F'), ["points"]*df2.size)
                        .reshape(df2.shape, order='F')

df2['winner'] = df2.lookup(df2.index, df2.columns[x])

   team1  team2  winner
0      1      5       5
1      2      4       2
2      3      1       3

Alternative solution only using pandas.Series.map , DataFrame.stack and DataFrame.unstack :

df_match['winner']=( df_match.stack()
                             .map(df.set_index('points')['team']) )


   team1  team2  winner
0      1      5       5
1      2      4       2
2      3      1       3

My "simple" solution:

df3= df2.replace(df1.set_index("team").points.to_dict()) 
df2["winner"]= np.where(df3.team1>=df3.team2,df2.team1,df2.team2)

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