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Robot Framework: Create template

I have following code which open 2 browsers and closing at end. I want to make it as tempplate and reuse it. How to achieve it?

*** Test Cases ***
    : FOR    ${browser}    IN    @{listBrowser}
    \    Open Browser    https://planet2.swift.com/Pages/default.aspx    ${browser}
    \    Log    ${browser}
    Close All Browsers

Please help. Thanks.

This should do it. Note that I'm not using a list as you did, and set Close All Browsers to Teardown .

*** Settings ***
Library    SeleniumLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
    [Template]    Open Browser Template
    [Teardown]    Close All Browsers

*** Keywords ***
Open Browser Template
    [Arguments]    ${browser}
    Open Browser    https://planet2.swift.com/Pages/default.aspx    ${browser}
    Log    ${browser}

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