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how do i get a stored procedure result to use on another stored procedure or query statement

I am trying to create a stored procedure where inside the procedure is a query statement which its result will be used as a parameter for another query

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `getRecActive`(
IN  adminid VARCHAR(25))
   select record_id from records2 where record_div = @adminid
   //i want to use record_id result to the next query
   select * from records where record = "record_id";
select * from records 
where record in
  select record_id from records2 where record_div = @adminid

If you must do this as a procedure then you need to select into a local variable and use that in your second query. given

| id | username | photo    |
|  1 | aaa      | john.png |
|  2 | Jane     | jane.png |
|  3 | Ali      |          |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

drop procedure if exists p;
delimiter $$

IN  adminid VARCHAR(25))
    declare vid int;
   select id into vid from users where username = adminid;

   select id,username,photo from users where id = vid;
END $$

delimiter ;

call p('aaa')

| id | username | photo    |
|  1 | aaa      | john.png |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

Note you cannot stuff a result set into a variable and what you are trying to do won't work at all if thats what you get back from your first query.

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