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Is there a more reliable Win32 syscall tracing method than procmon?

I'm building a Haskell command-line application in Windows 10, and am trying to debug an issue around the Windows 260-character file path limitation by tracing system calls and seeing which ones fail.

I've used procmon ( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon ) for this, which seems quite nice, but although it displays many related log entries, I was surprised to find that it doesn't display an entry for the particular CreateFileW call that actually exceeds 260 chars and crashes my application.

I briefly tried Win32 API Monitor ( https://www.apimonitor.com ) but couldn't make heads or tails of it; it seems better suited to attaching to already-running GUI applications than command-line applications that need to be launched in a particular directory, etc.

Is there a better alternative to these, or a better approach?

@RemyLebeau's answer is the one I needed:

Is there a more reliable Win32 syscall tracing method than procmon?

and my eventual solution to the problem that inspired this was to upgrade from base-4.11 to base-4.12 which handles windows paths > 260 chars better.

I don't think I'd even need the registry switch anymore.

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