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Save a bitmap at same folder as the original with a set name

I want to make a program that loads a file by input in console, convert the picture into greyscale, negative and blurred. Then I want to make copys of the converted picture in the same folder as the original with extra text at the filename (ex: picture_negative.jpg). My problem is that i can't figure out how i save the pictures in the save folder with the extra text.

This is my first month with programming so im not very experienced.

static void Main(string[] args)
            Bitmap picture;
                Console.Write("Write the file you want to edit ");
                picture = new Bitmap(Console.ReadLine=                 
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                Console.WriteLine("No picture choosen");
            catch (ArgumentException)


Example of the class

 public class ConvertAlgoritms
        public static Bitmap MakePictureGreyScale(Bitmap originalPicture)
            Bitmap newPicture = new Bitmap(originalPicture);

            int x, y;
            for (x = 0; x < newPicture.Width; x++)
                for (y = 0; y < newPicture.Height; y++)
                    Color pixel = newPicture.GetPixel(x, y);
                    int r = pixel.R;
                    int g = pixel.G;
                    int b = pixel.B;
                    int greyScale = (r + g + b) / 3;
                    newPicture.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(greyScale, greyScale, greyScale));
            return newPicture;

You have Bitmap.Save() .

First, you must save the entered file name in the console into a variable.

Then, you can append a string to this name before the extension.


Console.Write("Write the file you want to edit ");
Filename = Console.ReadLine();
picture = new Bitmap(Filename);

string NewFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Filename)
                   + StrToAppend
                   + Path.GetExtension(Filename);

picture.Save(Newfilename, picture.RawFormat);

You need to pick up the returned image eg:

var greyscalePicture = ConvertAlgoritms.ConvertAlgoritms.MakePictureGreyScale(picture);

Then you can just save it:

greyscalePicture.Save("Fancynewfilename.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);

This assumes that your file format is JPEG. To generate the new filename you need to keep a reference to the old one.

var originalFilename = Console.ReadLine();
var picture = new Bitmap(originalFilename);

Then you can build the filenames using the Path class as @Corak suggests.

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