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Weblogic server won’t start, because a bad.jar was deployed in it. But I can’t start the admin console, in order to remove the .jar

My Weblogic server was running fine inside my Eclipse. But then I accidentally deployed an.ear into my Weblogic server (using the server's Admin Console) which conflicts with another.ear, and now my Weblogic server won't start up. I know how to remove the.ear. The way to remove it is to go to the Admin Console, choose Deployments, checkmark the offending.ear and then choose stop and delete. But I can't get to the Admin Console because the Weblogic server won't start up.

I want to undeploy it, but I can't, because I can't start up the Admin Console. I also tried undeploying it with the command line, but the command requires communicating with a running server.

The error message in the Eclipse console says: "Failed to initialize the application 'EILoggingSharedLib [LibSpecVersion=2.22,LibImplVersion=2.22]" due to error weblogic.application.library.LibraryDeploymentException: [J2EE:160145]Failed to deploy library Extension-Name: EILoggingSharedLib, Specification-Version: 2.9, Implementation-Version: 2.9, because of conflicting library Manifest values, and library information registered with the server: [Specification-Version: 2.9 vs. 2.22, Implementation-Version: 2.9 vs. 2.22]. Check the library MANIFEST.MF file and correct version information there to match server settings, or undeploy the misconfigured library."

This is the command line command I used:

C:\bea12c\wlserver\server\lib>java -cp weblogic.jar weblogic.Deployer -verbose -noexit -adminurl http://localhost:7016 -username (myusername) -password (mypassword) -name Dev12c -undeploy EILoggingSharedLib -timeout 300

weblogic.Deployer invoked with options: -verbose -noexit -adminurl http://localhost:7016 -username weblogic -name Dev12c -undeploy EILoggingSharedLib -timeout 300 Unexpected Error Initializing Deployer: weblogic.Deployer$DeployerException: weblogic.deploy.api.tools.deployer.DeployerException: Unable to connect to ' http://localhost:7016 ': Destination 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, 7016 unreachable; nested exception is: java.net.ConnectException: Could not connect to /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1; No available router to destination. Ensure the url represents a running admin server and that the credentials are correct. If using http protocol, tunneling must be enabled on the admin server.

I also tried starting the server with startweblogic.sh with the following command, using the same ID and password that I use to log into the admin console (when it was running). But it didn't help:

startweblogic.sh username=(myusername) password=(mypassword)

Thank you!

First, try to remove your application from deployed applications with Eclipse. If it does not work, edit the ${DOMAIN_HOME}/config/config.xml file and remove the declaration of your application. Then start your server.

I found a solution. My Weblogic server that had the problem was at http://localhost:7016 . Since it's a localhost server, all the libraries and apps deployed to that localhost are in a directory in my C: drive where my Weblogic server installation is. I deleted the offending.ear using File Explorer, then the Weblogic server started up fine. I was able to go into the Admin Console and delete them again from there. After that, all was good. Thank you, Emmanuel and Wesley.

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