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How to check a popup menu item?


using CMenu::CheckMenuItem

See the example in MSDN .


When you create a popup menu entry there is no command number and you can only use MF_BYPOSITION parameter.

For example if you have menu created with

HMenu = CreateMenu();

And a Menu entry "Edition" where you have "Select..." with 3 choices :

HPopSubMenuSelect = CreatePopupMenu();
AppendMenu(HPopSubMenuSelect, MF_STRING, 20, "All");
AppendMenu(HPopSubMenuSelect, MF_STRING, 21, "Word");
AppendMenu(HPopSubMenuSelect, MF_STRING, 22, "Nothing");
HPopMenuEdition = CreatePopupMenu();
AppendMenu(HPopMenuEdition, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP , HPopSubMenuSelect,"Select...");
AppendMenu(HMenu, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP , HPopMenuEdition, "Edition");

Then to check this you must call

CheckMenuItem(HPopMenuEdition, 1, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_CHECKED);
// Or for uncheck
// CheckMenuItem(HPopMenuEdition, 1, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_UNCHECKED);


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