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Do not install gradle sub-project as external dependency

I have the following gradle multi-project structure.


A has some plain java code and a couple of external dependencies. B has included A as compile(':A') . B also has a maven plugin applied as apply plugin: 'maven' .

Now my problem is whenever I do ./gradlew install , B includes A as an external maven dependency. Whoever uses B is not able to compile because it does not find A . How can I skip applying maven plugin to A and include all of its code inside B ?


  1. Publish the artifact to an external or internal repository
  2. Depend on the project library directly as shown below.


// Project B
dependencies {


We've many alternatives if project B is producing a jar, but in my case, it's supposed to be a maven dependency used by third parties. I could not find a straight solution for it. So I ended up adding adding A 's sources into B. Something like this in B's build.gradle:

 sourceSets {
    main {
        java {
            srcDir 'src/main/java'
            srcDir '../A/src/main/java'

Only disadvantage with this is that I've to include A 's dependencies in B as well. I would be happy to accept if someone has a more elegant approach.

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