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How to return a block of json in python

I'm trying to write a quick api that will search through a json object and return the current account if the iban is the same. If it doesn't find any iban it should return a 404.

This is what I have so far:

from flask import Flask
from flask import request
from flask import abort
import json

app = Flask(__name__)

accounts = {
    "accounts": {
        "account": {
            "naam": "Mark Roording",
            "iban": "NL93RABO4923460458",
            "straat": "Pluviusstraat",
            "straatnummer": 5,
            "postcode": "7321EL",
            "plaats": "Apeldoorn"
        "account": {
            "naam": "Carleen van der Snoek",
            "iban": "NL80INGB7619798757",
            "straat": "Franciscanenstraat",
            "straatnummer": 160,
            "postcode": "1566LC",
            "plaats": "Assendelft"
        "account": {
            "naam": "Maria Lingen",
            "iban": "NL28INGB6291533782",
            "straat": "Weterschoten",
            "straatnummer": 135,
            "postcode": "7381AL",
            "plaats": "Klarenbeek"
        "account": {
            "naam": "Betty Kelder",
            "iban": "NL70INGB6143537119",
            "straat": "Utrechtseweg",
            "straatnummer": 111,
            "postcode": "6862AC",
            "plaats": "Oosterbeek"
        "account": {
            "naam": "Timmie Ruijgrok",
            "iban": "NL41ABNA9079565997",
            "straat": "Kuipersstraat",
            "straatnummer": 27,
            "postcode": "1074EK",
            "plaats": "Amsterdam"


def get_accountdetails():
    paramiban = request.args.get('iban', type=str)

    for k, acctinfo in accounts['accounts'].items():
        if acctinfo['iban'] == paramiban:
            response = app.response_class(

            return response
            return abort(404)

So if iban is NL28INGB6291533782 it would return the current account and a 200 so like this:

{"naam": "Maria Lingen", "iban": "NL28INGB6291533782", "straat": "Weterschoten", "straatnummer": 135, "postcode": "7381AL", "plaats": "Klarenbeek"}

EDIT: so I changed the code and if I type in the last iban it works and returns the value. If it's any other iban it doesn't work.

from flask import json

def get_accountdetails():
    iban = request.args.get('iban')

    for dict in accounts:
        if dict['iban'] == iban:
            response = app.response_class(
            return response
            return abort(404)

it will help to send json response with 200 status code.

You process accounts, while you should process accounts["accounts"]:

iban = 'NL41ABNA9079565997'
for k, acctinfo in accounts['accounts'].items():
    if acctinfo['iban'] == iban:


  "naam": "Timmie Ruijgrok",
  "iban": "NL41ABNA9079565997",
  "straat": "Kuipersstraat",
  "straatnummer": 27,
  "postcode": "1074EK",
  "plaats": "Amsterdam"

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