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IBM Watson Assistant: Vary chatbot response by date/season

I'm developing with IBM Watson Assistant and I want the response to vary by date (mainly so I can use seasonal jokes or change opening hours based on time of year from the @sys-date entity). I've built a test node and basically I need the intent to recognize @sys-date: October and respond one way that would differ if @sys-date: August has anyone had to vary the assistant's response based on the month? Is this even possible?

I have already tried @sys-date: October (System date is October) as the condition for the node (under "If Assistant Recognizes") and in date format but it never gets to that node. Thanks for the help!

You can build chatbots with conditional responses. In Watson Assistant @sys-date is a system entity. It helps to detect dates in inputs. But if there is no date in the input text, then it would not have a value.

You could use date / time functions in a response and check for the current month. Use if / then / else for the answer of the month.

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