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Linq query Groupby in C#

I have Personal Table and Saving Transaction Table.

Personal Table be like this.

[ID] [AccNum] [Name] [AccType] [IsMainPerson] [IsDelected] [RegionId]

1, 001, David, JoinAcc, True, False, NY

2, 002, John, SoloAcc, True, False, NY

3, 001, Terry, JoinAcc, False, False, NY

Saving Transaction Table be like this.

[ID], [AccNum] [Amount] [IsDeleted]

1, 001, 10000, False

2, 002, 10000, False

3, 001, 15000, False

I have a viewmodel for saving person list and totalcount. My totalcount view is correct and I have a problem with person list view.

There is a RegionId from another list. When I click that list, I took RegionId as a parameter and I want to show my result. So, I made a conditional linq with RegionId and joining of two table by equal "AccNum". How can I fix my linq query in order to get the result I want that I have shown in below.

My Controller

        public ActionResult GetSavingGroupByRegion(string id = null)
            IEnumerable<SavingGroupByRegionViewModel> savingbyRegion = (from p in db.TB_PersonalInformation.Where(x => x.RegionID.Equals(id) && x.IsDeleted != true && x.IsMainPerson == true).AsQueryable()
                                                                        join ADT in db.TB_AccountDetailTransaction on
                                                                        p.AccountNumber equals ADT.BankAccountNumber
                                                                        select new SavingGroupByRegionViewModel()
                                                                            Name = p.Name,
                                                                            AccountNumber = p.AccountNumber,
                                                                            AccountType = p.AccountType,
                                                                            Address = p.Address,
                                                                            PersonAmount = ADT.Amount,
            SavingGroupByRegionViewModelWithCount savingbyRegionwithcount = new SavingGroupByRegionViewModelWithCount();
            savingbyRegionwithcount.RgnResult = savingbyRegion.ToList();
            savingbyRegionwithcount.TotalAmount = savingbyRegion.Select(t => Convert.ToDecimal(t.PersonAmount)).AsEnumerable().Sum();
            savingbyRegionwithcount.TotalTownship = db.TB_PersonalInformation.Where(t => t.RegionID.Equals(id)).Select(t => t.RegionID).Distinct().Count();
            savingbyRegionwithcount.TotalRegion = db.TB_PersonalInformation.Where(t => t.RegionID.Equals(id)).Select(t => t.RegionID).Distinct().Count();
            savingbyRegionwithcount.TotalPerson = (from a in db.TB_AccountDetailTransaction join p in db.TB_PersonalInformation.Where(x => x.RegionID.Equals(id) && x.IsDeleted != true && x.IsMainPerson == true) on a.BankAccountNumber equals p.AccountNumber select a).Where(x => x.IsDeleted != true).Select(x => x.BankAccountNumber).Distinct().Count();
            return PartialView("_SavingGroupByRegionPartial", savingbyRegionwithcount);

My Viewmodel

public class SavingGroupByRegionViewModelWithCount
        public decimal TotalAmount { get; set; }
        public int TotalTownship { get; set; }
        public int TotalRegion { get; set; }
        public int TotalPerson { get; set; }
        public List<SavingGroupByRegionViewModel> RgnResult { get; set; }
    public class SavingGroupByRegionViewModel
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string AccountNumber { get; set; }
        public string AccountType { get; set; }
        public string Address { get; set; }
        public string PersonAmount { get; set; }

I want the view result like this

My View result

--Count View--

{Total Amount} {Total Person Count}

35000 , 2

--Saving Person List View I got--

{No} {Name} {AccNum} {AccType} {Amount}

1, David, 001, JoinAcc, 10000

2, David, 001, JoinAcc, 15000

3, John, 002, SoloAcc, 10000

--Saving Person List View I want to show--

{No} {Name} {AccNum} {AccType} {Amount}

1, David, 001, JoinAcc, 25000

2, Join, 002, SoloAcc, 10000

I want to show only main person account name and account number with sum amount. I think there is something wrong in my linq query. I tried.distinct() and it didn't solve. I don't know how to group by. I hope someone could help me. Thanks

The headers and the variable names don't really match, but simply doing something like

savingbyRegion.GroupBy(x => new { Name = x.Name, No = x.AccountNumber, AccType=x.AccountType }).Select(x => new /*the model you're using*/ {No =x.Key.No,Name=x.Key.Name, PersonAmount=x.Sum(y=>y.Amount) /*Etc*/}); 

should get you

{No} {Name} {AccNum} {AccType} {Amount}

1, David, 001, JoinAcc, 25000

2, Join, 002, SoloAcc, 10000

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