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Update glide sliderview visible items when sort a recycler view

I have an activity with a recycler view.

In my adapter, each item has some informations and a slider view thanks to Glide Slider ( https://github.com/firdausmaulan/GlideSlider ).

When I sort the list, all items are updated with the right informations, but the images remain in the same place for the first two items visible on the screen. When I scroll the page, the photos match the right items.

How to update the images of the visible items?

My function bind is working (the right informations are sent):

fun bind(property: Property) {
        val pictures = getPictures(property)

        if (mImageSlider == null) {
        else {
            val requestOptions = RequestOptions().centerCrop()
            val arrayProperty = pictures.toTypedArray()

            for (i in 0 until pictures.size) {
                val sliderView = DefaultSliderView(context)

                // initialize SliderLayout


                sliderView.bundle.putString("advertId", property.advertId)
                sliderView.bundle.putStringArray("urlImg", arrayProperty)




The function onSliderClick retrieves the wrong information for visible items:

override fun onSliderClick(slider: BaseSliderView?) {
        val intent = Intent(itemView.context, PropertyActivity::class.java)

        intent.putExtra("bundle", slider!!.bundle)


The function onBindViewHolder gets the good informations.

I am not sure if I understand you right. But here is a previous answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/43586743/11136689 , which worked for me to get the old information out of my recycled view. So when onBind comes there is not the recycled information inside.

Hope this helps. Happy coding.

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