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Go Module Not Downloading Latest Minor Version

I am using go version 1.13.1 , and now I cannot update my dependecy module to the latest minor version using go mod , I made simple repo for learning dependency management on github.com/clavinjune/testng and made a project that depends on it called moduser .

The latest minor version of testng is v1.4.0

┌─[ ~/Public/testng ]─[ git:master ]
└─[ 22:09:19 ] $ git tag -l

and moduser still using v1.3.0

┌─[ ~/Public/moduser ]
└─[ 22:09:06 ] $ go list -m all
github.com/clavinjune/testng v1.3.0

when I want to update the dependency I run this command

┌─[ ~/Public/moduser ]
└─[ 22:20:17 ] $ go get -v -u github.com/clavinjune/testng
┌─[ ~/Public/moduser ]
└─[ 22:20:28 ] $ go get -v -u github.com/clavinjune/testng@latest

But it doesn't downloading the v1.4.0 .

Is there any wrong command that I run?

If you are using the default public proxy ( proxy.golang.org ), it has a cache on the mapping from latest to a specific version.

If you want to fetch a specific version, you can either pass that version explicitly to go get :

go get -d github.com/clavinjune/testng@v1.4.0

or temporarily set GONOPROXY to bypass the cache:

GONOPROXY=github.com/clavinjune go get -d github.com/clavinjune/testng@latest

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