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TypeScript map with generic abstract object

I have several Items that they all inherit from the abstract Item. The object should contain a map with different Item implementations. With my current code I encountered the following error in the Object:

TS2314: Generic type 'Item<'T'>' requires 1 type argument(s)

In Java, that's not a problem. How do I get this to work in TypeScript?


abstract class Item<T> {


class Item1 extends Item<boolean> {


class Item2 extends Item<number> {



class Object {
    private itemMap: Map<number, Item>;

Try this:

class Object {
    private itemMap: Map<number, Item1 | Item2>;

If you plan to add new classes extending Item and support those in Object , you could use Item<any> .

It would work for all the generic types for which a derived Item class exists; and you couldn't instantiate objects with generic types for which you haven't declared a derived class:

class Object {
  private itemMap: Map<number, Item<any>>;

  public constructor() {
    this.itemMap = new Map();
    this.itemMap.set(1, new Item1());         // ok
    this.itemMap.set(2, new Item2());         // ok
    this.itemMap.set(3, new Item<string>());  // Error: Cannot create an instance of an abstract class.

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