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Installing nodejs on Ubuntu 19.04 [on hold]

I'm new to Linux and I want to know how to install Node.js on Ubuntu 19.04.

I downloaded the node-v12.12.0-linux-x64.tar.xz from the website and extracted it, but I'm stuck after that, I don't know how to proceed.

I believe what you downloaded is the source for NodeJS (I could be wrong). So you'll need to build it yourself.

If you want to do that check this guide .

Otherwise you can check the NodeSource distributions repo on github.

For Node.js v12.x: run these commands in a terminal window

# Using Ubuntu curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs # Using Debian, as root curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | bash - apt-get install -y nodejs

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