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I want to make a HTML text editor having bold functionality using window.getSelection

It makes the whole text bold. I want only selected text to get bold (Strictly no exec Command)

let boldBtn = document.getElementById('Bold-Btn');
let boldClickListener = (event) =>
    let selection = window.getSelection();
    let final = `<span class="text-bold">${selection.focusNode.textContent}</span>`;


One way of doing this might be to do the following:

  • Get the window selection.
  • Convert the selection to a string to get the text.
  • Create the element that will be bold.
  • Replace the selected text contained in the innerHTML of the parentElement with the bolded element.

Example based on the code you provided:

 let boldBtn = document.getElementById('Bold-Btn'); let boldClickListener = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); // Get selection let selection = window.getSelection(); // Get string of text from selection let text = selection.toString(); // Create bolded element that will replace the selected text let final = `<span class="text-bold">${text}</span>`; // Replace the selected text with the bolded element selection.anchorNode.parentElement.innerHTML = selection.anchorNode.parentElement.innerHTML.replace(text, final); }; boldBtn.addEventListener('click', boldClickListener);
 .text-bold { font-weight: bold; }
 <div> Test this text </div> <button id="Bold-Btn"> Bold </button>

Note that you may want to add some more logic when creating your bold element to handle if any existing text is already bold.

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