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Debugging git packages given in requirement.txt file for application hosted on Cloud Foundry

I am hosting a Django application on Cloud Foundry. In requirement.txt file, I am adding my git code (as a package). I have written some print statements to debug my package. Where will I see those print statements.


How Can I debug a git package I am adding in requirement.txt file.

I need to check where my code is failing.

I wanted to use a git package in my application. I added it in requirement.txt file and hosted my application on Cloud Foundry. But that package is failing somewhere. So, I wanted to debug where it is failing. I downloaded the package and added print statements in the package code. How can I see those print statements. Or what is the way I can debug, where that package is failing.

I am able to see the print statements in my "cf logs app --recent"

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