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SQL Count occurrences of multiple columns

I want to count occurrences of Number 3 from multiple columns with group by Primary Key. I have a table like this.


And I have tried with this.


But my output is


But expected output is something like this


With this:

select id,
  (s1 = 3) + (s2 = 3) + (s3 = 3) + (s4 = 3) + (s5 = 3) valcount
from tablename

Each of the boolean expressions:

s? = 3

evaluates to 0 or 1 .

Your query only counts rows with multiple threes one time.

You could use a union:

select  id
,       sum(case when val = 3 then 1 else 0 end)
from    (
        select id, s1 as val from t1
        union all select id, s2 from t1
        union all select id, s3 from t1
        union all select id, s4 from t1
        union all select id, s5 from t1
        ) sub
group by

Example at db-fiddle.com

SELECT id,  ( SUM(CASE WHEN s1 =3 THEN  1 ELSE  0 END ) +    SUM(CASE WHEN s2 =3 THEN  1 ELSE  0 END ) +
    SUM(CASE WHEN s3 =3 THEN  1 ELSE  0 END ) +
    SUM(CASE WHEN s4 =3 THEN  1 ELSE  0 END ) +
    SUM(CASE WHEN s5 =3 THEN  1 ELSE  0 END )     ) AS val FROM t1 GROUP BY id

I think it will be helpful for you

Try Below Query..

select id,(count(s1)+count(s2)+count(s3)+count(s4)+count(s5))valcount from(
select id, case when s1=3  then 1 end as s1, 
case when s2=3  then 1 end as s2,
case when s3=3  then 1 end as s3,
case when s4=3  then 1 end as s4,
case when s5=3  then 1 end as s5 
from test) group by id

and Try another way

select id,
from test
group by id

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