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XMLQuery in Oracle to query a XML

I am new to XLQuery and was trying out a basic command-

CREATE TABLE person_data (
person_id   NUMBER(3),
person_data XMLTYPE

INSERT INTO person_data
(person_id, person_data)
   <PDName>Daniel Morgan</PDName>

INSERT INTO person_data
(person_id, person_data)
   <PDName>Jack Cline</PDName>

INSERT INTO person_data
(person_id, person_data)
   <PDName>Caleb Small</PDName>

What I tried...

select person_id,
       XMLQuery('for $i  in /PDRecord where $i/PDName = "Jack Cline" order by $i/PDName return $i/PDName'
       passing by value t.person_data
       returning CONTENT ) XMLData
from person_data t;

But it's failing with error

ORA-30625: method dispatch on NULL SELF argument is disallowed

Not able to understand why? Also if you know some good tutorial for XMlQuery please point me to that.
Note: I have already gone through documentation.

I suspect that what you are hitting is a bug in LiveSQL.

If we take your query and wrap your call to XMLQuery in an NVL which substitutes a dummy document in the null case, we get better output. This query returns successfully, substituting in the dummy document in the case where the condition doesn't match:

select person_id,
       NVL(XMLQuery('for $i in /PDRecord where $i/PDName = "Jack Cline" order by $i/PDName return $i/PDName'
       passing by value t.person_data
       RETURNING CONTENT), XMLTYPE('<empty/>')) XMLData
from person_data t;

There seem to be other bugs in LiveSQL as well: if you take the XMLData column alias away from the query above, the output gets corrupted.

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