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Convert a numpy int64 into a list

I want to transform a numpy int64 array

Zed           49
Kassadin      39
Cassiopeia    34
RekSai        33
Nidalee       30
Name: value, dtype: int64

into a list like this:

[(Zed, 49), (Kassadin, 39), (Cassiopeia, 34), (RekSai, 33), (Nidalee, 30)]

Till now I've tried:

l = l.tolist()



[row for row in lT]

but the output looks like this:

[49, 39, 34, 33, 30]

One possible solution is list comprehenstion:

L = [(k, v) for k, v in series.items()]

Or convert values to DataFrame anf then to list ot tuples:

L = list(map(tuple, series.reset_index().values.tolist()))

Or to MultiIndex :

L = series.to_frame('a').set_index('a', append=True).index.tolist()

print (L)
[('Zed', 49), ('Kassadin', 39), ('Cassiopeia', 34), ('RekSai', 33), ('Nidalee', 30)]

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