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How to get data from the foreign key in joined table in laravel 5.8

I want to get the details of products in the products table by calling it in the purchase_orders table in laravel5.8.

I try to use inner join but as its result its just values of numbers

 $POs = DB::table('purchase_orders')
            ->join('products', 'purchase_orders.prod_id', '=', 'products.id')
            ->select('purchase_orders.id as id', 'products.name as name', 'products.cat_id as cat', 'products.size_id as size', 'products.price as price', 'purchase_orders.quant as quant', 'purchase_orders.total as total', 'purchase_orders.created_at as req_date')

Here are the 2 table and the result.

products table






Create a relationship in PurchaseOrders Model :

public function products()
    return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Product','id','prod_id');

You can call the result by:

$res = PurchaseOrder::find($id);
foreach($res->products as $product)
  echo $product->name;

Using join:

 $POs = DB::table('purchase_orders')
        ->join('products', 'purchase_orders.prod_id', '=', 'products.id')
        ->select('products.*','purchase_orders.id as purchase_id','purchase_orders.total','purchase_orders.status')

if you want categories table too, add another join function.

Try this for a relationship

public function products()


return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Product','prod_id','id');


public function products()


return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Product','prod_id','id');


To out put relationship data is like this




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