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Change android chip icon position

I have added a few chips in my app. The default chip have tick icon when you select it like this. 在此处输入图像描述

I want to change the icon position to the bottom. Like this. 在此处输入图像描述

There is no property to change the icon position. How can I achieve this result.

use this property to change chip icon position:


You could set android:layoutDirection="rtl" or the opposite of your current direction to put the icon on the right.

For more: https://material.io/design/usability/bidirectionality.html

Start icon

app:chipIconVisible — visibility of the chip icon. app:chipIcon — drawable icon to show at the start of the chip. app:chipIconSize — size of the chip icon.

chip.setOnClickListener {
   // Handle chip click

close icon

app:closeIconVisible — visibility of the close icon. app:closeIcon — drawable icon show at end of the chip. app:closeIconSize — size of the close icon.

chip.setOnCloseIconClickListener {
    // Handle chip close icon click

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