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Vlookup formula in Google Sheet

I have a google sheet which I want my colleague to fill the data manually to cross-check whether there is any difference in the system and the manual notes.

I have the data from the system in the second sheet of the same google sheet. I want the rest of the columns to auto-populate when my colleague enters a value(a column in both sheets - SKU) in a particular column.

Attached the image of the system data which I think of comparing(Lookup), SO my idea is to fill the category name & category ID when my colleague type the SKU in the sheet.

Can anyone help me with this or suggest me what to do? What all I have to do for this?

This is the sheet which I want my colleague to be filled, SO my requirement is that when my colleague fills the Data in the column "SKU" the other columns should be auto-populated from the sheet3 which has identical SKU. 在此处输入图像描述

This sheet contains the values from the system which I have copied.



delete everything in range Sheet1:B2:D

paste in Sheet1!B2 cell:

=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A2:A<>"", IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2:A, Sheet3!A:D, {2,3,4}, 0)), ))


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