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eclipse not decompile rt.jar when debugging, but idea does

I tried to debug into com.sun.rowset.JdbcRowSetImpl which can be found in rt.jar(located in jdk install path, in my case it's: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_102\jre\lib), the problem is:

when I debug with intellj idea it auto decompile the rt.jar and I can set debugger, but:

while I use eclipse, it doesn't auto decompile rt.jar and I can't debug into it,

Clarify: I'm using JDK not JRE, I checked complie and runtime config, all are correct;

please check screenshots below



I solved it by myself after some struggling, thanks for @Andreas comments by the way, he is right, IDEA really did a good job, nice IDE, with eclipse I have to install the Enhanced Class Decompiler https://ecd-plugin.github.io/ecd/ , and don't forget config the 'associated file' and 'decompiler' correctly, then you can enjoy debugging into the rt.jar sourcecode

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