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How does libgdx draw text in a 3D perspective?

I would like to render fixed text for debugging in my guiCam (second camera that is not affected by any rotations or transformations).

I think the text that is being rendered is either to big or to small to be seen in my perspective here, but I can't seem to find in the official libgdx documentation how the text is being draw and how I can manipulate the size.


guiCam = new PerspectiveCamera(67, Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight());
        guiCam.position.set(1f, 1f, 20f);
        guiCam.lookAt(0, 0, 0);
        guiCam.near = 1f;
        guiCam.far = 300f;

batch = new SpriteBatch();

        font = new BitmapFont();


font.draw(batch, "debug line here", 200, 200);

Could someone perhaps explain to me how the libgdx default font is drawn, or if there might be a better solition to use here for displaying fixed text?

I allready tried to use OrthoGraphic camera instead of a prespective one, but since my main application is in 3D, the OrthoGraphic camera is does not work.

Found this for you on stackexchange.

Answer given by lookx2:

You can just use another SpriteBatch without setting projection matrix to draw the HUD,

aButton.draw(spriteBatch, 1F);
playerShip.draw(spriteBatch, 1F);

//Draw using hudBatch

If you want to render text on the screen then you'd want to do that by drawing to the HUD

I don't think it even works by mixing 2d and 3d batches. You should use Stage and StringBuilder with a single perspective camera.

For example, in create() function initialise the following

font = new BitmapFont();
//design the font
label = new Label("<text>", new Label.LabelStyle(font, Color.BLACK)); 
// set position
stage = new Stage();

then in render() function use StringBuilder

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
//Change text at runtime    

The example that helped me use it is from https://sudonull.com/post/91327-The-simplest-3D-game-on-libGDX-for-Android-in-200-lines-of-code

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