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How to iterate through a list and combine the data

I'm looking to iterate through a list that has the source IP, destination IP, time and packet length. If there are any lines that contain the same source IP and destination IP I need to remove the duplicated lines and show the start time, stop time and the total packet length.

def combine_data(source, dest, time, length):
    CombinePacket = []
    CombinePacket = [(source[i], dest[i], time[i], length[i]) for i in range(len(source))]
    counter = 0
    line = []

    for i, j in zip(source, dest):
        if(source[counter] and dest[counter] == source[counter+1] and dest[counter+1]):
            print(CombinePacket[counter-1], CombinePacket[counter])
    return 0 

([''], [''], '13:25:31.044180', '0') 

([''], [''], '13:25:31.044371', '46')

I'm expecting to combine the lines and it should look like this:

([''], [''], '13:25:31:044180', '13:25:31:044371', '46')

You didn't add some data to test code and I don't know if this is your problem but you incorrectly compare values in

source[counter] and dest[counter] == source[counter+1] and dest[counter+1]

beacuse it means

(source[counter]) and (dest[counter] == source[counter+1]) and (dest[counter+1])

You have to compare every element separatelly

source[counter] == source[counter+1] and dest[counter] == dest[counter+1]

or you can compare tuples or lists

(source[counter], dest[counter]) == (source[counter+1], dest[counter+1])

Instead of zip(source, dest): you can use zip(CombinePacket, CombinePacket[1:]) and you will have both combined rows which you can use to create new one. And you will get all data as list so you can compare lists with [source, dest]

results = []

for x, y in zip(combine_packet, combine_packet[1:]):
    if (x[0:2] == y[0:2]):  # `[source, dest]`
        data = [x[0], x[1], x[2], y[2], y[3]]
        print(data)  # ([''], [''], '13:25:31:044180', '13:25:31:044371', '46')

But I don't know if there can be three rows with the same source, dest and what result you expect for these three rows.

def combine_data(source, dest, time, length):

    combine_packet = list(zip(source, dest, time, length))

    results = []

    for x, y in zip(combine_packet, combine_packet[1:]):
        if (x[0:2] == y[0:2]):
            #print(x)  # ([''], [''], '13:25:31.044180', '0') 
            #print(y)  # ([''], [''], '13:25:31.044371', '46')
            data = [x[0], x[1], x[2], y[2], y[3]]
            print(data)  # ([''], [''], '13:25:31:044180', '13:25:31:044371', '46')

    return results

source = [[''], [''], ['']]
dest   = [[''], [''], ['']]
time   = ['13:25:31.044180', '13:25:31.044371', '13:25:31.044371']
length = ['0', '46', '123']

combine_data(source, dest, time, length)

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