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File System Disk Space Usage

When I use the unix df command to return the disk usage, I get the following reported

/dev/sda1                       30929148 30530112    399036  99% /

How get what is using the disk space.

Is there a way to determine as to which directories are taking up space?

You can using du (disk usage). For example:

➜  ~ du -sh /usr/* 2>/dev/null 
587M    /usr/bin
276M    /usr/include
5,4G    /usr/lib
444M    /usr/lib32
0       /usr/lib64
96K     /usr/local
0       /usr/sbin
3,1G    /usr/share
4,0K    /usr/src

To sort use sort -h .


Works with directories (which can be mountpoints).

du -sh $(lsblk -no MOUNTPOINT /dev/sda1)/* 2>/dev/null

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