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Selenium java can't get html text

I have this HTML code:

<span id="slotTotal">
    <span id="slotUsed">4</span>

I want to get text /16 but when I try:

slotTot = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='slotTotal']")).getText();

I get this Exception: org.openqa.selenium.InvalidSelectorException: invalid selector while trying to locate an element

How can I fix that? (If I get 4/16 is good too...) thanks in advance

To get text of SlotUsed

String slotUsed= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[@id='slotUsed']")).gettext();
System.out.println("Value of used slot"+slotUsed);

To get SubTotal (subtotal is part of first span element)

  String total=driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//span[@id='slotTotal']")).getText();
String slotTot = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[normalize-space(@id='slotUsed']")).gettext();

Hope this will help you.

Use xpath utilize following-sibling :


Like below:

String slotTot = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[@id='slotUsed']/following-sibling::text()[1]")).getText();

There is a '.jar' and a 'javadoc' It is easy to retrieve anything from an HTML Page, if you can get the HTML. Perhaps Selenium is complete overkill. It is generally only useful for complicated AJAX/JavaScript that you cannot pick out.

import Torello.HTML.*;
import Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.*;
import Torello.Java.FileRW;

import java.util.*;
import java.io.IOException;

public class SO
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException
        String html = FileRW.loadFileToString("so/y2019/Oct/q002/SO-Input.html");

        // Convert the string to vectorized-html (a list)
        Vector<HTMLNode> v = HTMLPage.getPageTokens(html, false);

        // Get a copy of the OUTER <SPAN> ... </SPAN>
        Vector<HTMLNode> slotTotalVec = InnerTagGetInclusive.first(v, "span", "id", TextComparitor.CN_CI, "slotTotal");

        // Poll means to "REMOVE, and get a COPY OF" the INNER <SPAN> ... </SPAN>
        Vector<HTMLNode> slotUsedVec = InnerTagPollInclusive.first(slotTotalVec, "span", "id", TextComparitor.CN_CI, "slotUsed");

        // Util.textNodesString -> ignores all HTML Elements, and converts Text-Nodes to String
        String slotUsedStr = Util.textNodesString(slotUsedVec).trim();
        String slotTotalStr = Util.textNodesString(slotTotalVec).trim();

        // Print it.
        System.out.println("Slot Used: " + slotUsedStr + '\n' +
                            "Slot Total: " + slotTotalStr   );

The above program will produce the following output to a UNIX / BASH Shell:

@cloudshell:~$ java so.y2019.Oct.q002.SO 
Slot Used: 4
Slot Total: /16

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